31 July 2019

Europe’s Leading Scientists: The Challenges of Aging Must Be Tackled Throughout Life

The future of aging

The challenges that come with aging must be tackled throughout life and not just in old age. This is the key conclusion in a new report from SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies). The report is produced by leading European scientists, among these Executive Director of Center for Healthy Aging, Lene Juel Rasmussen.

The challenges of aging cannot wait until old age. To ensure good health as we get older it is necessary to anticipate and tackle the challenges of aging throughout life. In a new report from SAPEA, leading European scientists conclude that the process of aging needs to be transformed if we want to improve quality of life in old age in a society where people are living longer than ever before.

The main recipients of the report ‘Transforming the Future of Ageing’ are the new European Commissioners who will take office later this year. It contains scientific evidence of which political areas are essential to focus on to ensure that the European countries seize the opportunities brought on by the rise in life expectancy instead of being knocked down by the challenges.

From the importance of better education and age friendly communities, to changed conditions caused by climate changes and air pollution, to optimal use of the technological development. The conclusions of the report are many and wide-ranging. However, one conclusion is consistent: how well people age is minimally determined by genetic factors and mainly by lifestyle and environment. Therefore, it is vital to focus on areas such as education, age friendly communities, healthy eating and physical activity – throughout life.